Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chongo Nation HQ is born...

What is it? Where did it come from?

 Like every great unifying force, Chongo Nation was forged by the gradual contribution from the creative and unique minds of its founding fathers. These selfless souls bore a vision that transcended social preconceptions of success, and instead sought something more; the unheralded support of individuality.
 Chongo's are like snow flakes, at first glance they appear generic, predictable. Yet upon closer inspection one finds that, like the snow flake, no two Chongos are alike, and it is that uniqueness that unites us.

 Chongos dream BIG, and go BIG in whatever discipline they choose. When a fellow Chongo falls, their comrades lift them up again without hesitation. Chongo Nation is NOT a fraternity, in fact, it is in strict opposition to them. The Nation does not recruit its members, it accepts any soul that lives by these principles. Diversity gives us strength.

This blog is merely a glimpse into the plight of one Chongo attempting to live by these values in a world where they are often neglected...

My name is Maximilian Barlerin, and I am a Chongo.

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